The Transportation & Public Safety (T&PS) Committee advocates for District street repair, highway maintenance, traffic control, and public safety, and reviews matters related to transportation franchises, the NYC Dept of Transportation (NYC DOT), the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), the NYPD 84th Precinct, and the NYPD 88th Precinct.
This Committee typically meets at 6pm on the 1st Thursday of every month, except during the Citywide summer recess months of July and August. All interested neighbors are encouraged to attend and participate.
Subscribe to the District newsletter for first notice of meetings, and confirm all dates, times, locations, and agendas on the District’s live calendar. Visit the BKCD2 Public Drive to review the archive of previous meeting materials.
Committee Members
Chairperson: Sidney Meyer
Vice-Chair: Esther Blount
Secretary: Jon Quint
Ernest Augustus
Sandy Balboza
Tabitha Decker
John Dew
Cheryl Gelbs
Kate Gilman
Brian Howald
Patrick Killackey
Nicole Murray
Grace Pyun
Ciro Scala