
Committee meetings are monthly forums for public review and discussion of various City & State applications and other municipal matters. Committees conduct these public meetings for the purpose of receiving and incorporating local feedback, and forming Recommendations to inform Board votes at the monthly General Meeting of the Full Board.

Any issue related to the welfare of the District may be considered for Committee agenda placement. Topics may originate from a fellow City agency, from the District Office, from within the committee, or at the request of an applicant or District resident. Residents interested in suggesting a topic for a Committee agenda are invited to email the District Office or speak up during the “Community Forum” section of any meeting.

Per the NY State Open Meetings Law, all NYC Community Board and Committee meetings are open to the public. All interested neighbors are welcome and encouraged to attend Committee meetings to listen to City leaders, topic experts, applicants, and neighbors; ask informed questions; and contribute ideas that move our District forward for everyone.

Subscribe to the District newsletter for first notice of meetings and calls for public comment, and confirm all meeting dates, times, locations, and agendas on the District’s live calendar.

Visit the BKCD2 Public Drive and the BKCB2 YouTube channel to review the archive of previous meeting proceedings.