Brooklyn CB 10 Logo

All meetings will be livestreamed to YouTube and accessible to view here.

For additional information about the Open Meeting Law guidance please read here.

CB10 General Board Meeting

In Person at Knights of Columbus, 1305 86th Street and Livestreamed to YouTube 1305 86th Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Agenda: PUBLIC HEARINGS                                                                                                   New SLA Liquor, Wine,

City Planning Commission Public Hearing

City Planning Commission, 120 Broadway, lower concourse, New York City 10271 120 Broadway, lower concourse, OR participate virtually, New York, NY

Jan. 24, 2024; 7:00 pm – City Planning Commission Public Hearing regarding City of Yes – Economic Opportunity, 10 am – 6 pm The City Planning Commission will be hosting

Traffic and Transportation Committee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

Hybrid meeting in person at the District Office or join over Zoom.  Register at Agenda: Recent citywide rule change regarding T-intersections Discussion regarding pedestrian safety issues within Community District

Parks Committee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

Jan. 30, 2024; 7:00 pm – Hybrid meeting in person at the District Office or join over Zoom register at: Parks Committee Dept. of Parks Representative to discuss details

Joint Environmental – Zoning and Land Use Committee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

  DCP - Green Fast Track for Housing Proposed Rule Change Community Boards were notified of a proposed Green Fast Track for Housing CEQR Type II Rule change.  You can

Police and Public Safety Committee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

Feb. 13, 2024; 7:00 pm - Hybrid meeting in person at the District Office or join over Zoom register at: Police and Public Safety Committee Review of new SLA

Traffic and Transportation Committee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

Feb. 15, 2024; 7:00 pm - Hybrid meeting in person at the District Office or join over Zoom register at: Traffic and Transportation Committee jointly with CB 7 DOT

CB10 General Board Meeting

In Person at Knights of Columbus, 1305 86th Street and Livestreamed to YouTube 1305 86th Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Agenda Public Hearings: In the matter of the adoption and support of the Board's Capital and Expense Priorities for Fiscal Year 2025; New SLA Liquor, Wine, Beer, Cider Application at Joseph

Zoning and Land Use Committee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

March 6, 2024; 7:00 pm – Hybrid meeting in person at the District Office or join over Zoom register at: Zoning and Land Use Committee Landmarking process presentation will

Senior Issues, Housing, Health and Welfare Committee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

March 7, 2024; 7:00 pm – Hybrid meeting in person at the District Office or join over Zoom register at: Senior Issues, Housing, Health and Welfare Committee Overview of

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