All meetings will be livestreamed to YouTube and accessible to view here.
For additional information about the Open Meeting Law guidance please read here.
New SLA Liquor, Wine, Beer, Cider Application at Yayama Sushi Inc., d/b/a Bayridge Sushi, 6914 3rd Ave.
Application for a new retail dispensary premises at 1205 86th Street, F.M. Natural Leaf Inc.
Proposed Citywide Text Amendment, City of Yes – Economic Opportunity: ULURP No. N240010ZRY; CEQR No. 24DCP004Y
Citywide Text Amendment to support economic growth and resiliency in New York City. This text amendment would facilitate the repurposing of existing nonresidential space by providing businesses with additional zoning flexibility to locate and expand. The proposed zoning text amendment would apply to all 59 of the city’s Community Districts.