Brooklyn CB 10 Logo

All meetings will be livestreamed to YouTube and accessible to view here.

For additional information about the Open Meeting Law guidance please read here.

Youth Services, Education, Libraries Committee Meeting

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

Agenda: The co-founder of MESA Charter School to give a presentation regarding the new high school location set to open in August 2025 at 1222 65th Street. Dr. David Pretto, District 20 Superintendent, to give a presentation regarding Civics for All.

JOINT Youth Services, Education, Libraries/Parks/Environmental Committee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

A JOINT Youth Services, Education, Libraries AND Environmental AND Parks Committee meeting is scheduled as a hybrid meeting on Tuesday, December 3rd at 6:00 pm. Participation may be in person

Traffic and TransportationCommittee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

Agenda: New Open Dining application submitted for Istanbul Bay, 8002 5th Avenue, Application #20240718030002, for a sidewalk café on 5th Avenue, 27.42 feet in length and 6.17 feet wide with

Parks Committee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

Agenda A Representative from Dept. of Parks will give a presentation regarding major pathway upgrades to two highlighted location areas:  Starting along Leif Ericson Park from Erik Place west to

Police and Public Safety Committee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

Agenda Review of new wine, beer, cider and temporary retail permit at Bay Sushi 6 Inc., 29 Bay Ridge Avenue Review of new liquor, wine, beer, cider application with karaoke component at 66 KTV Inc., 911 66th Street

Traffic and Transportation Committee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

Agenda Review of Open Dining Applications for Cebu Brooklyn Hospitality Group, 8801 3rd Avenue, filed under Application Number 20240726030016: -Roadway Café on 3rd Avenue, 40 ft by 8 ft, 9 tables and 28 seats; -Roadway Café on 88th Street, 40 ft by 8 feet, 8 tables and 16 seats; -Sidewalk Café on 3rd Ave, 58

Environmental Committee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

Agenda: Thurs. Sept 26, 2024; - Hybrid meeting at District Office beginning at 6:00 pm with DSNY Bin Info Session, then continuing over Zoom Environmental Committee Join DSNY Bin info session Thursday, September 26 at 6:00 PM There are options for the DSNY Bin Info session if you cannot attend on 9/26 at 6 pm

Communications and Public Relations Committee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

Agenda: Committee will review a draft of the updated Welcome to CB10 Guide

Traffic and Transportation Committee Meeting

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

June 18, 2024; 7:00 pm - Hybrid meeting in person at the District Office or join over Zoom  register at: Traffic and Transportation Committee Review of application submitted to NYC DOT for an Open Street at PS 170.  The Open Street will be in effect on school days from 8:00 am to 3:15 pm,

Police and Public Safety Committee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

May 13, 2024; 7:00 pm – Hybrid meeting in person at the District Office or join over Zoom register at: Police and Public Safety Committee Continued review of SLA

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