Brooklyn CB 10 Logo

All meetings will be livestreamed to YouTube and accessible to view here.

For additional information about the Open Meeting Law guidance please read here.

Youth Services, Education, Libraries Committee Meeting

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

An update of all NYC School Construction projects within Community Board 10 will be given by a NYC SCA Representative This will be a hybrid meeting.  Participation may be over Zoom by registering in advance at  or in person at the District Office  

Environmental Committee Nov. 28th

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

Hybrid meeting with participation in-person at the District Office, 8119 5th Avenue or over Zoom DSNY Representatives will give a presentation on recently updated compost collection program

Zoning and Land Use Committee Public In-Person Meeting

St. Anselm Meletia Hall, 365 83rd Street

Pease join Community Board 10 at a Public In-Person Meeting to discuss proposed sweeping zoning changes under the City of Yes - Zoning for Economic Opportunity citywide text amendment.  This zoning proposal will change the types of businesses that can operate on shopping corridors citywide. Locally, it will mean changes to uses that can operate

Zoning and Land Use Committee Meeting

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

Zoning and Land Use Committee meeting  scheduled for Monday, December 11, 2023 at 6:30 pm as a hybrid meeting.  Participation may be in person at the District Office or remotely over Zoom.  Register to participate at At that time, the Committee will continue its review of the proposed citywide text amendment, City of Yes

Police and Public Safety Committee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

The Police and Public Safety Committee meeting will be a hybrid meeting. Participation may be in person at the District Office or remotely over Zoom. Register to participate over Zoom at Items to be reviewed: • Application for new retail dispensary premises at 6918 5th Avenue, MRC6918LLC • Application for a new retail dispensary

CB10 General Board Meeting

Norwegian Christian Home, 1250 67 Street and livestreamed to YouTube 1250 67th Street, Brooklyn, United States

Agenda Review of new retail cannabis dispensary premises applications at 6918 5th Avenue, 455 86th Street, 6817 3rd Avenue, 1205 86th Street; Continued review of proposed citywide text amendment, City of Yes - Economic Opportunity; Update on DSNY Compost Collection Program; Update on NYC School Construction Authority capital projects within Community District 10

CB10 General Board Meeting

In Person at Knights of Columbus, 1305 86th Street and Livestreamed to YouTube 1305 86th Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Agenda: PUBLIC HEARINGS                                                                                                   New SLA Liquor, Wine,

City Planning Commission Public Hearing

City Planning Commission, 120 Broadway, lower concourse, New York City 10271 120 Broadway, lower concourse, OR participate virtually, New York, NY

Jan. 24, 2024; 7:00 pm – City Planning Commission Public Hearing regarding City of Yes – Economic Opportunity, 10 am – 6 pm The City Planning Commission will be hosting a public hearing on the Citywide - City of Yes: Economic Opportunity Zoning Text Amendment on January 24, 2024 in Person - City Planning Commission

Traffic and Transportation Committee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

Hybrid meeting in person at the District Office or join over Zoom.  Register at Agenda: Recent citywide rule change regarding T-intersections Discussion regarding pedestrian safety issues within Community District 10

Parks Committee

Via Zoom and live streamed to YouTube with Hybrid Component for limited in-person participation at the District Office

Jan. 30, 2024; 7:00 pm – Hybrid meeting in person at the District Office or join over Zoom register at: Parks Committee Dept. of Parks Representative to discuss details of a new parks volunteer initiative

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